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1  The Military / M-N-O / N on: 3 November 2008, 23:22:08

Nachrichten-Abteilung: Intelligence, signal battalion
Nachschub: re-employment of stragglers, lost and retreating soldiers from different units into 1 new unit.
Nahverteidigungswaffe: small calibre mortar on board of German main battletanks, it fired smoke shells or HE rounds to defend against direct infantry attacks
NatRes: Nationale reserve, Dutch army National Guard

NBC: Nuclear, Biological, Chemical; the use of these types of weapons on a battlefield, or tanks equipment designed to protect the crew from the effects of these weapons.

NCO (Non-com (US)): Non-Commissioned Officer
NCOIC: Non-Commissioned Officer IN Charge

Nebelwerfer: German towed rocket artillery launcher: Nebelwerfer 41-Nebelwerfer 42-Werfergranate 21: when mounted on a half-track it's called a Panzerwerfer [15cm Panzerwerfer 42 auf Selbstfahrlafette Sd.Kfz.4/1 (based on the Opel Maultier, or "mule", half-track) and 15cm Panzerwerfer 42 auf Schwerer Wehrmachtsschlepper (or Panzerwerfer auf SWS)] [also look at Wurfrahmen 40]

NLOS-C: Non-Line-Of-Sight Cannon

NOVEMBER: N in NATO alphabet
NORAD: North American aerospace defense command
NOTS: Naval Overseas Trasport Service Ship (WWI)

NR: Submersible Research Vessel (nuclear)

NUTS: a quote attributed to General Anthony McAuliffe at the Battle of Bastogne (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_McAuliffe)

NVA: North Vietnamese Army

update: April 25 2010
2  The Military / A-B-C / A on: 3 November 2008, 22:50:43

A: designation for US airforce specialized attack aircraft



A-4: Skyhawk (airplane)
A-6: Intruder (airplane)
A-7: Corsair II (airplane)
A-10: Thunderbolt II (airplane)


A22 : Churchill Tank, (British Tank Design WWII)
A27L : Centaur tank, liberty engine (British Tank Design WWII)
A27M : Cromwell tank, meteor engine (British Tank Design WWII)
A30 : Challenger tank (British Tank Design WWII)
A34 : Comet tank (British Tank Design WWII)
A41 : Centurion (British Tank Design WWII)
A42 : Churchill tank Mk VII (British Tank Design WWII)

A2 : anti-armor
A2C2 : Army airspace command and control
A2C2S : Army aviation command and control system / Army Airborne Command and Control System


A-HOUR: alert-hour
A/A or A-A: air-to-air
A/C:  1aircraft 2absolute ceiling
A/DACG [JP 1-02]: arrival/departure airfield control group
A/DCG [JP 1-02]: arrival/departure control group
a/f: airfield
A/G or A-G: 1air-to-ground, 2air/ground
A/J: anti-jam
A/N: as needed
A/R: Air Refueling
A/S: Air to Surface



Aa: achieved availability
AA: avenue of approach / assembly area / analysis of alternatives / Active Army / antiaircraft / air-to-air / access authorization / attack assessment / achieved availability / Acquisition Activity / aircraft availability
AA&E: arms, ammunition, and explosives
AAA: antiaircraft artillery / [Army] assessment of aircraft attrition (USAFE) / Automated Airlift Analysis System (AMC) / automatic anti-aircraft
AAAOB: anti-aircraft artillery order-of-battle
AAAS: amphibious aviation assault ship
AAAV: Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle
AAB: Aircraft Accident Board / all-to-all broadcast
AABFS: amphibious assault bulk fuel system
AABL: advanced atmospheric burst locator
AABM: air-to-air battle management
AABNCP: Advanced Airborne National Command Post (USAF)
AABP: Aptitude Assessment Battery Program
AABWS: amphibious assault bulk water system
AAC: Army Acquisition Corps / acquisition advice code / anti-aircraft / Alaskan Air Command / Aviation armament change
AACC: Army airborne command and control
AACE: aircraft alerting communications EMP (electromagnetic pulse)
AACFT: Army aircraft
AACG: arrival airfield control group
AACMO: Army Acguisition Corps Management Office
AACOM: Army area communications
AACOMS: Army Area Communications System [now ATACS]
AACP: advanced airborne command post
AACS: Airborne Astrographic Camera System / Army Command and Control System /[AR 310-50] Airways and Air Communications Service
AAD: Army air defense
AADC: area air defense commander
AADCCS: Army Air Defense Control and Coordination System
AADCOM: Army Air Defense Command(er)
AADCP: Army air defense command post
AADE: Army air defense element
AADGE [NATO]: Allied Command Europe Air Defense Ground Environment
AADR: Alaskan Air Defense Region
AADS: antiaircraft defense system
AAE: Army aviation element
AAED: advanced airborne expendable decoy
AAF: Army airfield / Auxiliary Air Force
AAFA: Army aviation flight activity
AAFARS: advanced aviation forward area refueling system
AAFB: Andrews Air Force Base
AAFCE [NATO]: Allied Air Forces Central Europe
AAFES: Auto Alert Force Exercise Schedule (SAC) / Army and Air Force Exchange Service
AAFIF: automated air facility information file
AAFSF: amphibious assault fuel supply facility
AAFSS: Advanced Aerial Fire Support System [IHAS]
AAFTC: Air Force Flight Test Center (Edwards AFB)
AAFU: augmented assault fire units
AAG: army artillery group (OPFOR)
AAGE: Army Advisory Group on Energy
AAGR: air-to-air gunnery range
AAGS: Army air-ground system / aircraft adapter groups
AAH: advanced attack helicopter, the AH-64
AAHA: awaiting action higher headquarters
AAI: angle of approach indicator / advanced communication technology / automated acquisition information
AAIMS: Army Automated Information Management System
AAIS: Atmospheric Attack Indications System / Automated Acquisition Information System
AALAAW: advanced air-launched anti-armor weapon
AALPS: Automated Aircraft Load Planning System (FORSCOM)
AALS: Active Army Locator System
AAM: air-to-air missile (i.e., Falcon, Sidewinder, Sparrow) [Also used by the USN to label its missiles, before the introduction of the tri-service designation system] / aircraft availability model / application activity model / [AR 310-50] Army aircraft maintenance / [AR 310-50] Army Achievement Medal
AAMA: antiaircraft and missile artillery / area airspace management authority
AAMG: antiaircraft machine gun
AAMMH: annual available maintenance man hours
AAMMP: Active Army Military Manpower Program
AAMP: Army Automation Master Plan / Army Aviation Modernization Plan
AAMS: Advanced AFSATCOM Monitoring System / Army Acquisition Management System / [AR 310-50] Army aircraft maintenance shop
AAN: [DoD/DSMC] Army After Next
AANCP: Advanced Airborne National Command Post
Aangrijpen: Dutch army word for attacking like in attacking an enemy position.
AAO: authorized acquisition objective / Army acquisition objective / antiair output / airborne area of operation / approved acquisition objective
AAOD: Army aviation operating detachment
AAOFA: Army aviation operating facility
AAP: Army Apprenticeship Program / affirmative action plan / allied administrative publication / attack assessment plan / Attack Assessment Program (JCS/USAFE) / applications access point [DEC] / affirmative action program / allied administrative procedure / Army acquisition process / abbreviated acquisition plan / advance acquisition planning / [AR 310-50] Army ammunition plant / [JP 1-02] Allied Administrative Publication / [JP 1-02] assign alternate parent
AAPI: attack assessment predicted impact
AAPM: Army Aviation Planning Manual
AAR: after-action review / Army area representative / air-to-air refueling / aircraft accident report / automatic alternate routing / [JP 1-02] after-action report
AARA: access and amendment refusal authority
AARAD: attack assessment radar
AARADCOM: Army Armament Research and Development Command
AARB: advanced aerial refueling boom
AARDAC: Army air reconnaissance for damage assessment in the continental United States
AARMS: Authorized/Assigned Resource Management System (AFLC)
AARS: Ammunition Asset Reporting System
AART: airborne avionics research testbeds
AAS: aeromedical airlift squadron
AASA: administrative assistant to the Secretary of the Army / advanced airborne surveillance antenna
AASC: Army area signal center
AASE: Army aviation support element
AASF: Army aviation support facility
AASLT: air assault
AASM: advanced air-to-surface missile
AASP: Army Automation Security Program / Army Automation Standardization Program / ASCII asynchronous support package
AASR: Advanced Airborne Surveillance Radar (RADC)
AASTA: United States Army Aviation Systems Test Activity
AAT: Army assault team
AATC: Antiaircraft Training Center / automatic air traffic control [system] / Air Force Reserve Test Center
AATCO: Army air traffic air coordinating office
AATH: automatic approach to hover
AATRI: Army Air Traffic Regulation and Identification System
AATU: automatic antenna tuning unit
AAUB: Associate Army Uniform Board
AAUSN: Assistant Under Secretary of Navy
AAV: amphibious assault vehicles (USMC)
AAVN: Army aviation
AAW: anti-air warfare [USN], 2Army acquisition workforce / advanced analysts' workstation / aeromedical airlift wing (MAC) / active aeroelastic wing
AAWC: anti-air warfare commander [USN]
AAWS: automated attack warning system
AAWSSC: Army Atomic Weapons Systems Safety Committee
AAWWS: Airborne Adverse Weather Weapon System



AB: adapter booster / afterburner / air blast / anchor bolt / air base / address bus / able seaman / allocated baseline / airborne (forces) / assault breaker / ability to perform
AB: Carne Ship (converted BB, Battleship)
AB/FS: air base/force survivability
ABACUS: Air Battle Analysis Center Utility System
ABAR: advanced battery acquisition radar / alternate battery acquisition radar
ABC: airborne corps / approach by concept
ABCA: American, British, Canadian, and Australian
ABCA: QSTAG American-British-Canadian-Australian Quadripartite Standardization Agreement
ABCANZ: America Britain Canada Australia New Zealand
ABCB: air blast circuit breaker
ABCC: airborne command center
ABCCC: airborne battlefield command and control center
ABCCTC: Advanced Base Combat Communications Training Center
ABCMR: Army Board for Correction of Military Records
ABCS: Army Battle Command System
ABCS: SSM Army Battle Command System Simulation Support Module
ABDAR: aircraft battle damage assessment and repair
ABDR: air battle damage report / aircraft battle damage repair
ABE: assistant brigade engineer
ABEND: abnormal end
ABFC: Advanced Base Functional Component System (USN)
ABFS: amphibious bulk fuel system
ABG: air base group
ABGD: air base ground defense
ABIC: Army battlefield interface concept / automated battlefield interface concept
ABICS: Ada based integrated control system
ABIR: all-band intercept receiver
ABIRD: aircraft-based infrared detector
ABIS: Advanced Battlespace Information System
ABL: airborne laser
ABLE: activity balance line evaluation / adaptive battery life extender
ABM: antiballistic missile / automated batch mixing / advanced battery management / asynchronous balance mode / acquisition and business management / area base maintenance
ABMDA: Advanced Ballistic Missile Defense Agency
ABMOC: air battle management operation center
ABMS: Assault Breach Marking System
ABN: airborne
ABNCP: Airborne National Command Post
ABNG: Altitude Bingo
ABNOC: Airborne Nuclear Operations Center (SHAPE)
ABNSOTBD: Airborne and Special Operation Test Board
ABO: air base operability / airborne order / aviator breathing oxygen
ABORT - ABRT: to terminate a mission for any reason other than enemy action. It may occur at any point after the beginning of the mission and prior to its completion / to discontinue aircraft takeoff or missile launch
ABRES: advanced ballistic reentry systems
ABRS: Assault Ballistic Rocket System
ABS: air base squadron / air base survivability
ABSD: Advance Base Sectional Dock
ABSLOA: approved basic stock list of ammunition
ABT: abort (see ABORT)
ABTF: airborne task force
ABW: air base wing



AC: Active Component / assistant commandant / actual cost / analyst console / advisory committee / aerodynamic center / analog computer / automatic checkout / automatic computer / automatic control / air conditioning / aircraft commander / allied command / area coverage / Atlantic Council (NATO) / attack characterization / autocheck / access control / analyst console / armament cooperation / Acquisition Corps
AC&W: air control and warning [USAF site]
AC-130: Hercules aircraft
AC-130A/H: Spectre aircraft
AC/RC: Active Component/Reserve Component
AC/S, C4I : Assistant Chief of Staff, Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (USMC)
AC2MP: Army Command and Control Master Plan
ACAB: air cavalry attack brigade
ACAF: advanced counter-air fighter
ACAG: Army Competition Advocate General
ACALA: Armament and Chemical Acquisition and Logistic Activity
ACAMIS: Army CA Management Information System
ACAPS: area communications electronics capabilities
ACAs: air clearance authorities
ACAS: aircraft collision avoidance system / advanced counter-air system / Army Crisis Action System / airborne collision-avoidance system / airlift cycle analysis spreadsheet
ACB: air circuit breaker / amphibious construction battalion / advanced concepts base / allocated configuration baseline
ACBACCIS: Allied Command Baltic Approaches Command Control and Information System (NATO)
ACBMDA: Automated C3CM Battle Management Decision Aid (RADC)
ACBP: advanced concepts base program
ACBT: air combat training
ACC: Army correspondence course / air control center / area control center / artillery control console / accumulator / aft cargo carrier / access control center / [USAF] Air Combat Command (created 1 June 1992 by merging TAC and SAC) / air component commander / airlift coordination center / airspace control center / accumulator / Army command center / Army Communications Command / area control computer / Army component commanders / architecture control committee / accelerated case closure / approval cause code / architecture coordination council / [JP 1-02] area coordination center
ACC/MASS: Airlift Coordination Center/Military Airlift Support Squadron (AMC)
ACCB: air cavalry combat brigade
ACCEL: Acceleration
ACCESS: aircraft communications electronic signaling system / automatic computer controlled electronic signaling system / automated Catalog of Computer Equipment and Software System / Automated Command and Control Evaluation Systems / Army Commissary Computer Entry Store System
ACCHAN: Allied Command Channel (NATO)
ACCIS: Army Command and Control Information System / Automated Command and Control Information System (NATO)
ACCLAIMS: Army COMSEC Commodity, Logistical, and Accounting Information Management System
ACCMB: Aircraft Crewman Badge
ACCMP: Army Command Control Master Plan
ACCMPS: automated C2 message Processing System (NATO)
ACCNET: Army Command and Control Network / Federal Acquisition Computer Network (OMB)
ACCOR: Army COMSEC central office of record
ACCS: Army Command and Control System / [NATO] Air Command and Control System / airborne command and control squadron / allied command and control system / advanced communications control system / Air Combat Camera Service
ACCSA: Allied Communications and Computer Security Agency
ACDA: Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
ACDO: [JP 1-02] assistant command duty officer
ACDS: Advanced Combat Direction System, 2Advanced Countermeasures Dispenser System
ACE [ASAS]: Analysis and Control Element / American Council on Education / assistant chief of engineers / armored combat earth mover / airborne command element / acceptance checkout equipment / advanced control experiment / animated computer education / automatic checkout equipment / [NATO] Allied Command Europe / automatic computer evaluation / automatic computer engine / Army Corps of Engineers / [JP 1-02] aviation combat element (MAGTF) / advanced computing environment [SCO] / automatic calibration and equalization / accelerated capital enrichment / adverse channel enhancements [Microcom] / aircraft configuration equipment / alternate command element / automated cost estimator / [DoD/DSMC] Acquisition Center of Excellence / [FM101-5-1] air combat element (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) / [TTPIO-ABCS] assistant corps engineer / [AR 310-50] assessment of combat effectiveness
ACEB: Army Clothing and Equipment Board
ACEORBAT: ACE order of battle (NATO)
ACEREP: Allied Command Europe Reporting System (NATO)
ACES: Army Continuing Education System / ADP command and control evaluation system / Automated Command and Control Evaluation System (DSSO) / automated cost evaluation system / Advanced Carry-on ELINT/ESM Suite / airborne collection electronic signals / Army Center of Excellence – Subsistence / Acquisition Center Executive System
ACESTRIKE: Allied Command Europe Strike Command (NATO)
ACETEF: Air Combat Environment Test and Evaluation Facility
ACEVAL: air combat evaluation (NATO)
ACEWS: automated computer-assisted electronic warfare system / automatic communications electronic warfare system
ACF: air contingency force / area confinement facility
ACFP: advanced computer flight plan
ACFPS: Advanced Computer Flight Planning System (AFGWC)
ACFT: aircraft
ACG: area coordination group
ACGP: Army career group
ACI: air combat intelligence / air combat intercept
ACIB: Air Characteristics Improvement Board (Navy)
ACIC: Army CI Center
ACINT: acoustic intelligence
ACIPS: Acoustic Intelligence Processing System / Army Casualty Information Processing System
ack acknowledge / acknowledged / acknowledgment
ACLANT [NATO]: Allied Command, Atlantic
ACLDB: Army Central Logistics Data Bank
ACLICS: Airborne Communications Location Identification and Collection System
ACLIS: Airborne Communications Location Identification and Collection System
ACLS: 1air cushion landing system, 2automatic carrier landing system
ACLV: accrued leave
ACM: additional crew member / Advanced Cruise Missile / air combat maneuver / air combat maneuvering / auxiliary crew member
ACMC: Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps
ACNIC: Auxiliary Communication Navigation Control panel
ACNO: Assistant Chief of Naval Operations
ACNOCOMM: Assistant Chief of Naval Operations for Communications and Cryptology
ACO: administrative contracting officer / airspace control order / airspace coordination order / associate contracting officer
ACOC: air command operations center, 2airborne combat operations center / allied combat operations center (NATO) / alternate command operations center (NATO) / area communications operations centers (DISA) / area control operations center / AUTODIN communication operations center
ACofS: assistant chief of staff
ACOM: Atlantic Command
ACOUSTINT: acoustical intelligence
ACP: airborne command post / airlift command post / alternate command post / Armament Control Panel
ACPA: adaptive controlled phase array
ACPT: Accept
ACQ STRAT: acquisition strategy
ACQN: acquisition
ACR: Armored Cruiser (pre-1920) / armored cavalry regiment / aircraft control room / airfield control radar / antenna coupling regulator / automatic compression regulator / air control radar / attenuation to crosstalk loss ratio / advanced concepts and requirements / ammunition consumption rate / authorization change request / [JP 1-02] assign channel reassignment / [AR 310-50] ammunition condition report
ACRES: airborne communications relay station
ACR: Altitude Cruise
ACRF: African Crisis Response Force (PKO)
ACRV: armored command and reconnaissance vehicle
ACS: accumulator switch / alternating current synchronous / attitude control system / automatic checkout system / automated communications set / auxillary cooling system / auxilliary core storage, 8[USN] auxiliary crane ship / air commando squadron / Ada compilation system / afloat correlation system / air control system / airborne control system / asset control system / Assistant Chief of Staff / access control system / advanced communications services / asynchronous communications server / access control set / acquisition and command support / automated cartography system / Army Community Service / automated conversion system / [JP 1-02] airspace control system / [JP 3-04.1] air-capable ship / [AR 310-50] asset control subsystem
ACS/I: Assistance Chief of Staff for Intelligence (USAF)
ACS3: Allied Cooperative Support Sharing System (JCS)
ACSA: Allied Communications Security Agency
ACSCE: Army Chief of Staff for Communications and Electronics
ACSI: Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence
ACSIM: Assistant Chief of Staff for Information Management / Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management / [TP71-9] Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management and Environment
ACSIM-C4: Assistant Chief of Staff for Information Management - Command, Control, Communication, and Computers
ACIGS: Assistant Chief of the Imperial General Staff (British Army)
ACSM: advanced conventional stand-off missile
ACSQ: airborne communications squadron
ACSS: Air Combat and Surveillance System
ACST: access time
ACSTE: Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Test and Evaluation
ACT: advanced communications terminal / analysis and control team / armored cavalry trainer / air control team / algebraic compiler and translator / automatic code translation / armored cavalry troop / active control technology / Automated Circuit Test System / area capability training / acoustic charge / advanced communications technology satellite (NASA) / transport (DARPA) / aerial combat tactics / air cargo terminal / air combat tactics / automated control of trainees / acquisition coordination team / [TTPIO-ABCS] analysis control team / [JP 1-02] activity / [AR 310-50] American College Test
ACTA: Advanced Combat Training Academy
ACTS: Acoustic Control and Telemetry System / automatic computer TELEX services / advanced communications technology satellite (NASA) / automated circuit test system / automated computer time service / Automated Centralized Ticketing System / Automated Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) and Tracking System
ACTV: activity
ACU: assault craft unit (USN) / avionics control unit
ACV: armored command vehicle / air cushion vehicle / auxiliary aircraft carriers [later renamed CVE] / Armored cavalry vehicle ACV
ACVC: Army commercial vehicle code
ACW: 1/air control wing, 2/aircraft control and warning, 3/alternating continuous waves, 4/anti-carrier warfare (USN)
ACWS: aircraft control and warning squadron
ACX: advanced combat experimental



AD: 1advanced development, 2air defense, 3armored division, 4advanced design, 5ampere demand meter, 6[USN] destroyer tender, 7active duty, 8airdrop, 9[USAF] air division, 10airworthiness directive, 11accidental damage, 12advanced deployability posture, 13air directive, 14analog/digital, 15armament division (AFSC), 16application development, 17absolute deviation, 18[AR 310-50] Army depot
AD: Destroyer Tender

AD/EXJAM: artillery-delivered expendable jammer

ADAFV: Assistant Director of Armoured Fighting Vehicles (British Army)
Ada: DoD computer programming language (ISO/ANSI/MILSTD1815A)
ADA: 1air defense artillery, 2airborne data automation, 3automatic data acquisition, 4aerial delivery adapter, 5air defense aircraft, 6air defense area, 7action data automation, 8advanced delivery alert, 9[AR 310-50] advisory area
ADA FDC: air defense artillery fire control direction center
Ada JUG: Ada Joint Users Group
ADAC: 1automatic direct analog computer, 2[Army] Acoustic Data Analysis Center
ADACP: air defense artillery command post
ADACS: airborne digital automatic collection system
ADAD: [AR 310-50] air defense artillery director
ADADO: assistant division air defense officer
ADAF: air defense alert facility
ADAM: 1Armywide device automated management, 2automatic distance and angle measurement, 3advanced data management, 4Associometrics Data Management System, 5Administrative, Documentation, and Management System, 6Aerial Port Documentation and Management System (MAC) – detailed in ADAM I (OVERSEAS) ADAM II (CONUS) ADAM III (CAPS), 7Automated Design and Maintenance System, 8[AR 310-50] area denial artillery munitions
ADAM/RAAM: Aerial Denial Artillery Munitions/Remote Antiarmor Minefield
ADANS: Airlift Deployment Analysis System ( AMC)
ADAOD: [AR 310-50] air defense artillery operations detachment
ADAOO: [AR 310-50] air defense artillery operations office
ADAP: 1Army Research and Development Plan, 2Ammunition Demand Automated Process
ADAPT: 1adoption of automatically programmed tools, 2ARPA Database Access and Presentation Terminal, 3adaptive diagnostic approach to performance testing
ADAR: 1advanced design array radar, 2[AR 310-50] air defense area
ADARS: Army Defense Acquisition Regulation Supplement
ADAS: 1automatic data acquisition system, 2Airborne Data Acquisition System, 3Airfield Damage Assessment System
ADASCC ADA: support and control capability (NATO)
ADATP: allied data publication (NATO)
ADATS: 1air defense antitank system, 2Airborne Digital Avionics Test System (USAF), 3Adjustable Diversity Acoustic Telemetry System

ADC: 1air data computer, 2airborne digital computer, 3analog-to-digital converter, 4add with carry, 5Aerospace Defense Command, 6[FM101-5-1] area damage control, 7[FM101-5-1] assistant division commander, 8[AR 310-50] active duty commitment, 9[AR 310-50] aide-de-camp
ADC (M): [FM101-5-1] assistant division commander (maneuver)
ADC (S): [FM101-5-1] assistant division commander (support)
ADCAP: advanced capabilities
ADCATT: 1Army Defense Combined Arms Tactical Trainer, 2[tr 350-70] Aid Defense Combined Arms Tactical Trainer
ADCC: 1air defense control center, 2Air Defense Coordination Center, 3air defense command and control
ADCCP: advanced data communications control procedure(s)
ADCCS: Air Defense Command and Control System (Missile Command)
ADCCCS: [AR 310-50] Air Defense Command, Control, and Coordination System
ADCEO: [AR 310-50] assistant division communications-electronics officer
ADCM: [TTPIO-ABCS] assistant division commander (maneuver)
ADCO: 1[AR 310-50] air defense communications office, 2[AR 310-50] alcohol and drug control officer
ADCOC: [AR 310-50] area damage control center
ADCOM: 1administrative command, 2Aerospace Defense Command
ADCON: 1administrative control code, 2advise all concerned, 3[JP 1-02] administrative control
ADCOORD: air defense coordinator
ADCOP: 1[AR 310-50] area damage control party, 2[AR 310-50] area defense command post
ADCOS: air defense combat operations staff (ACC)
ADCS: Air Deployment and Control Squadron
ADCSCD: Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Combat Development
ADCSLOG (SA): Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army for Logistics (Security Assistance)
ADCSOPS: Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans
ADCSOPS (FD): Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans Force Development
ADCSP: Advanced Defense Communications Satellite Program [DCSP]
ADCSPER: Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel
ADCSSA: Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Simulations and Analysis
ADCST: Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Training

ADD: 1airstream direction detector [measures the AoA]
ADDAR: automatic digital acquisition and recording
ADDC: [AR 310-50] air defense direction center
ADDISS: Advanced Deployable Digital Imagery Support System (PACAF)
ADDO: assistant deputy director for operations

ADE: 1assistant division engineer, 2air defense emergency
ADEA: Army Development and Employment Agency
ADEN: armament development enfield
ADEPREP: [AR 310-50] Army Deployment Report - System
ADEW: airborne directed energy weapons
ADEWS: Air Defense Electronic Warfare System

ADEX: air defense exercise

ADF: 1automatic direction finder, 2airborne direction finder,
ADG: aircraft delivery group
ADG: Degaussing Ship
ADGE: air defense ground environment

ADI: 1attitude direction indicator, 2air defense initiative (USAF)
ADIC: 1ADCOM Intelligence Center, 2Aerospace Defense Command Intelligence Center
ADIRS: Aid Data and Inertial Reference System
ADIS: air defense integrated system
ADIZ: air defense identification zone

ADLAT: adaptive lattice filter
ADLER: (FRG) French/German Fire Support Command and Control System
ADLER: (GER) German Fire Support Command and Control System
ADLO: air defense liaison officer
ADLS: Aeronautical Data Link System

ADM: 1acquisition decision memorandum, 2atomic demolition munitions, 3advanced development model, 4activity data method, 5admiral, 6air-launched decoy missile, 7advanced demonstration model, 8administrative surcharge, 9aggregate data manager
ADBMT: air defense battle management technology (ADI)
ADM-20: Quail
ADMC: [AR 310-50] Air Defense Missile Command
ADMCEN: [AR 310-50] administration center
ADMINIO: [AR 310-50] administrative orders
ADMIRAL: automatic and dynamic monitor with immediate relocation, allocation, and loading
ADMIRE: automatic diagnostic maintenance information retrieval
ADMIS: Administrator Management Information System
ADMN: administrative data
ADMP: adjusted month program
ADMS: area denial munitions system
ADMSG: [AR 310-50] advise by message
ADMSLBN: [AR 310-50] air defense missile battalion

ADNAC: [AR 310-50] Air Defense of North American Continent

ADOA: air defense operations area
ADOC: Air Defense Operations Center (SPACECMD)

ADP: air defense position

ADR: 1airborne data relay [UAV payload], 2aircraft direction room, 3address, 4accident data recorder, 5airbase damage repair, 6aircraft damage repair
ADRB: [AR 310-50] Army Disability Review Board
ADRL: Automatic Distribution Requirements List
ADRP: [AR 310-50] airdrop
ADRRB: [AR 310-50] Army Disability Rating Review Board

ADSAM: air-directed surface-to-air missile
AdSAMS: advanced surface-to-air missile system
ADSAS: air-derived separation assurance system
ADSEC: [AR 310-50] advance section
ADSIA: Allied Data Systems Interoperability Agency (NATO)
ADSID: [AR 310-50] Air Defense Systems, Integration Division
ADSM: air-defense suppression missile
ADSR: attack, decay, sustain, release
ADSU: air data sensor unit
ADSUP: automated data systems uniform practices
ADSW: anti diesel submarine warfare, 2active duty for special work

ADT: Atlantic Daylight Time
ADT3: air defense tactical training theater
ADTAC: air defense tactical air command
ADTC: Armament Development and Test Center (USAF)
ADTDL: Army Doctrinal Training Digital Library
ADTECH: advanced decoy technology
ADTF: [AR 310-50] artillery direct fire trainer
ADTL: Armywide doctrinal and training literature
ADTLP Army-wide Doctrine and Training Literature Program
ADTS: Automated Data and Telecommunications Service (GSA)
ADTU: auxiliary data transfer unit

ADU: air data unit
ADUM: [AR 310-50] automated data unit movement
ADUS: Avionic Data Utilization System
ADUSD(L)TP: Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Logistics (Transportation Policy)

ADVANCE: Army Data Validation and Netting Capability Establishment
ADVANCENET: Hewlett Packard's network supporting OSI and SNA
ADVCAP: advanced capability
ADVDISC: [AR 310-50] advance discontinuance of allotment
ADVMOS: [AR 310-50] advanced military occupational specialty
ADVON: 1advanced cadre, 2advanced echelon
ADVPMT: [AR 310-50] advance payment

ADW: 1air defense warning, 2area denial weapon
ADWC: air division warning center
ADWS: automated digital weather switch

ADX: 1[AR 310-50] advanced development experimental, 2[AR 310-50] air defense exercise



AE: Ammunition Ship



AFV: Armored Fighting Vehicle
AF: Store Ship (Refrigerated)
AFC: Airframe change / Automatic Flight Control
AFDB: Auxiliary Floating Dry Dock, Large
AFDL: Auxiliary Floating Dry Dock, Small
AFDM: Auxiliary Floating Dry Dock, Medium
AFNSL: Auto Flap fixed Nozzle Slow Landing
AFS: Combat Store Ship
AFSDS: Armour Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot. This is an APDS round with fins added to the penetrator. Normally the penetrator is a substance like tungsten.



AG:Miscellaneous Auxiliary
AGB: Icebreaker
AGC: Amphibious Force Flagship
AGDE: Escort Research Ship
AGDS: Deep Submergence Support Ship
AGF: Miscellaneous Command Ship
AGFF: Frigate Research Ship
AGL: Above Ground Level
AGM: Missile Range Instrumentation Ship
AGMR: Major Communication Relay Ship
AGOR: Oceanographic Research Ship
AGP: Motor Torpedo Boat Tender
AGR: Radar Picket Ship
AGS: Survey Ship
AGSc: Coastal Survey Ship
AGSS: Auxiliary Submarine
AGTR: Technical research Ship



AH: Hospital Ship
AHRS: Attitude Heading and Reference System



AK: Cargo Ship
AKA: Attack Cargo Ship
AKD: Cargo Ship Dock
AKN: Net Cargo Ship
AKS: General Stores Issue Ship
AKV: Cargo Ship and Aircraft Ferry



AM: Minesweeper
AMc: Coastal Minesweeper
AMF-YOYO: Adios Mother Fucker, You're On Your Own
AMRAAM: Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile



AN: Net Laying Ship (until 1968)
ANL: Net Laying Ship (from 1968)
ANG: Army National Guard



AO: Oiler (fuel oil)
AOE: Fast Combat Support Ship
AOG: Gasoline Tanker
AOR: Replenishment Oiler
AOSS: Submarine Oiler



AP: Armour Piercing
AP: Transport (troops)
APA: Attack Transport
APB: Self-propelled Barracks Ship
APC: Armored personell carrier / Armour Piercing Capped
APCBC: Armour Piercing, Capped, Ballistic Cap
APCR: Armour Piercing, Composite, Rigid
APD: High Speed Transport
APDS: Armour Piercing, Discarding Sabot
APDS: Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot, This shell has a sabot formed around the penetrator that drops off when fired from the gun. The smaller penetrator itself then adds the Kinetic Energy from the sabot to it's own speed and increases the speed at which the penetrator flies and strikes the target. The higher speed coupled with a small dense penetrator results in increased penetration.
APFSDS: Armor Piercing, Fin Stabilized, Discarding Sabot; a type of anti-tank rounds that defeat an armored target by means of kinetic energy of a subcaliber projectile placed inside of a sheath, or 'sabot', that is discarded in flight. Russian APFSDS rounds have a designation 3BM[number]
APFSDS-T: armor piercing fin stabilized discarding sabot-tracer

APH: Transport (wounded)
APL: Barracks Ship
APM: Mechanized Artillery Transport
APS: Transport Submarine (WWII)
APS: Active Protection System; a system that automatically intercepts threats that attack the protected object in the immediate vicinity of the object. Essentially the APS is a super-close-in system of "anti-missile defense" that creates an "active" zone of protection at a safe distance around the objects.
APSS: Transport Submarine
APV: Transport and Aircraft Ferry



AR: Repair Ship
ARB: Battle Damage Repair Ship
ARBS: Aerial Refuelling Boom System
ARC: Cable Repairing or Laying Ship
ARD: Auxiliary Repair Drydock
ARDC: Repair Drydock, Concrete
ARDM: Medium Auxiliary Repari Dry Dock
ARG: Internal Combustion Engine Repair Ship
ARH: Heavy Hull Repair Ship
ARL: Landing Craft Repair Ship
ARS: Salvage Ship
ARS(T): Salvage Craft Tender
ARV: Aircraft Repair Ship
ARV(A): Aircraft Repair Ship (airframe)
ARV(E): Aircraft Repair Ship (engine)
ARVH: Aircraft Repair Ship (helicopter)
ARVN: Army of the Republic of Viet Nam



AS: Submarine Tender
ASR: Submarine Rescue Ship
ASSA: Cargo Submarine
ASSP: Transport Submarine



AT: anti-tank / Tug (ocean going)
AT-4: Swedish made 84mm antitankrocket, fired from a discardable launcher
ATA: Auxiliary Ocean Tug
ATACMS: Army Tactical Missile System (surface-to-surface missile)
ATF: Fleet Ocean Tug
ATGM: Anti-tank Guided Missile. The missile is being directed to the target instead of being fired and the projectile flies undirected. Means of directing the missile can vary. The missile can be directed by signals from the firing by an attached wire or by wireless means, some are optically guided.
ATO: Ocean Tug
AT: Anti-Tank Rifle (when used regarding an Infantry weapon, esp. WWII-era) / Rescue Ocean Tug (when used regarding a ship)



AV: Seaplane Tender
AVB: Advance Aviation Base Ship
AVD: Seaplane Tender (destroyer)
AVG: Aircraft Escort Vessel
AVM: Guided Missile Ship
AVP: Small Seaplane Tender
AVRE: Armoured Vehicle, Royal Engieers , this is a engineer support tank (UK forces)
AVS: Aviation Suplly Ship
AVT: Auxiliary Aircraft Transport; Training Carrier (1978)



AWOL: Absent without leave[/color]
AW: Distilling Ship (sea water, not moonshine!)



AZ: airship Tender


update: January 23 2011
3  The Military / A-B-C / B on: 3 November 2008, 22:52:49

B: Designation for US bombers, like B1/B2 and B52

BAR: Browning Automatic Rifle

BB: Battleship
Bergepanther: recoverytank built on Panther chassis (German)
Breitkeil: German tactical formation (V shape ) for tanks
Blooper: nickname for the M-79 Grenade Launcher
Blooperman: M-79 Gunner

BK: In rounds and projectiles designations -- Broneboinyi Kumulyativnyi (Armor-Piercing Cumulative), HEAT

BM: Monitor
BMP: pronounced "bump", the first generation of Soviet Infantry Combat Vehicles produced as the BMP-1, BMP-2 and BMP-3. Each version an improvement over the previous versions.

BoC: Burden of Command,  a new game currently under development. (see games section for details)
Boobytrapp: an improvised explosive device, frequently made from recovered, unexploded ordinance (yes, even 500 lb bombs)
BOHICA: Bend Over, Here It Comes Again

Bravo: B in NATO alphabet

Buffel: Dutch tracked and armored engineer vehicle on Leopard 2 tank chassis

updated: April 25 2010
4  The Military / G-H-I / H on: 3 November 2008, 23:17:37

Hafthohlladung: german hollow charge ( handheld) antitank device
Haubitze: German for howitzer

HE: High Explosive
HEAT: High Explosive Anti-tank. HEAT rounds use the Morrow Effect, which involves the detonation of a high explosive shell at a preset distance from the target armour plate. The shell is designed with a conical hollow charge inside which when detonated focusses the explosion into a high-speed jet of material which burns it's way through the armour plating. The normal penetratoin factor is five times the depth in armour plating for the diameter of the HEAT round. Once it has burned through the armour then the molten material of the penetration jet acts like any other round that penetrates the AFV.
Heerestruppen: Independent units assigned to German Armies. Also, it means German Army units as related to branch of service to differentiate them from being Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine, Waffen SS, etc.
HEF: High Explosive Fragmentation; a type of rounds that contains a HE charge together with preformed hitting elements or a controlled fragmentation layer, increasing its anti-personel effectiveness. Russian tank-carried HEF projectiles have a designation 3OF[number]
HESH: High Explosive Squash Head. The shell consists of a large amount of HE with a base fuze. This is encased in a thin steel case. On hitting the target the explosive flattens against it (squashes) the target and is then detonated. The shock generates enough force to knock off pieces of the armour inside the target vehicle. This effect is known as spalling. The spalling becomes projectiles on the inside of the vehicle creating crew casualties. The exterior explosion is also sufficiently powerful to do considerable damage to the target vehicle and if less than an MBT could destroy the target vehicle by itself.

Hohlgranate: shaped charge shell (for use in tanks or Stugs)
HOTEL: H in NATO alphabet
HQ: headquarters

update: April 25 2010
5  War & Conflicts Discussions / Panzer VI & its variants "Tiger" / Destroyed panzer VI Tiger 1 on: 11 June 2009, 19:32:18

Italy/Sicilia 1943

Italy 1944


France, Normandy june 1944

Netherlands, Elst september 1944

Russian tank ace

Unknown location
6  War & Conflicts Discussions / 35t & 38t / Sd.Kfz. 140 FlaK 38 2cm L/55 'Flakpanzer 38' on: 21 March 2009, 13:10:47

source: internet
7  War & Conflicts Discussions / 35t & 38t / Panzerkampfwagen 35(t) LTM35 on: 21 March 2009, 12:19:07

The LT-35 or LT vz. 35 was a Czechoslovak-designed light tank.
The main armament was a Škoda vz 34 37.2 mm gun. A 7.92 mm machine gun (LB M-35) was fitted as well.


    * S-ll-a - Original designation for prototypes
    * LT vz. 35 - basic Czechoslovak variant (37 mm A-3 gun)
    * T-11 - export variant for Bulgaria with better 37 mm A-7 gun
    * LTM 35 – designation when used by the German Cavalry until January 1940
    * Panzerkampfwagen 35(t) - German designation of LT-35
    * Panzerbefehlswagen 35(t) - German command tank variant
    * Mörserzugmittel 35(t) - German armored mortar tractor
    * R2 - Romanian designation of LT-35
    * TACAM R2 - Romanian tank destroyer on R-2 (LT-35) chassis

Deutsche Panzer - Action publications - 1917-1945 by Uwe Feist - published by Aero Publishers, Inc
8  War & Conflicts Discussions / 35t & 38t / Sd.Kfz. 138/1 sIG 33/1 15cm Selbstfahrfalette Ausf.M 'Bison' on: 21 March 2009, 13:22:35
Needs picture.
9  War & Conflicts Discussions / TO&Es WWII Axis forces / Organisation of Panzer Regiment 1944 on: 12 March 2009, 23:16:01
Chart of the OOB for the HQ section of a regiment:

10  War & Conflicts Discussions / Waffen-SS Panzer Divisions / SS Panzer Division Insignia on: 9 November 2008, 18:03:25
11  War & Conflicts Discussions / Tanks / Panzers / Assault guns / Hotchkiss 35 - 38 - 39 on: 25 October 2009, 22:27:03
The Hotchkiss H35 or Char léger modèle 1935 H was a French light tank developed prior to World War II.

In 1926 it had been decided to provide armour support to the regular infantry divisions by creating autonomous tank battalions equipped with a light and cheap infantry tank, a char d'accompagnement. For this role at first the Char D1 was developed which type however proved to be neither particularly light nor cheap. In 1933 the Hotchkiss company by its own initiative presented a plan to produce a lighter design made possible by the application of the new technology to produce cast steel sections to construct an entire hull. On 30 June 1933 this proposal was approved by the Conseil Consultatif de l'Armement. On 2 August 1933 the specifications were made known: a weight of six tons and 30 mm armour protection all around. Three prototypes were ordered with Hotchkiss, but also the entire French industry was invited to provide alternative proposals. This allowed the Renault company to beat Hotchkiss in delivering the first prototype, which later was developed into the Renault R35. On 18 January 1935 the first Hotchkiss prototype, not yet made of armour steel, was presented to the Commission d'Expérience du Matériel Automobile (CEMA) at Vincennes; it was a machine gun armed tankette without turret. It was tested until 4 March 1935, when it was replaced by the second identical prototype to be tested until 6 May. Both had to be rejected because new specifications had been made on 21 June 1934 to increase the armour thickness to 40 mm. On 27 June 1935 the commission approved the type, on the provision the necessary changes would be made. On 19 August the third prototype was delivered, equipped with a cast APX turret and featuring a redesigned hull; it was tested until 20 September and accepted. On 6 November a first order was made of 200 vehicles. The first production vehicle was delivered on 12 September 1936, in which year already two additional orders had been made of 92 and 108 vehicles respectively. On 1 January 1937 132 vehicles had been produced.


The first series vehicle was again extensively and intensively tested until 4 December 1936. This showed that its handling qualities in terrain were unacceptably poor. It was simply impossible to safely steer the vehicle on a somewhat bumpy surface, posing an extreme danger to nearby friendly infantry. The Infantry therefore decided to accept only the first hundred tanks to equip just two battalions with the type: the 13e and 38e Bataillon de Chars de Combat and reject any further procurement. For political reasons however the normal consequence of this decision, stopping production, could not be accepted. The other 300 vehicles of the production run were thus offered to the Cavalry, which Arm was forced to accept them because it would not have been granted a budget for other tanks anyway. As the cavalry units would be making more use of the road network and of mounted infantry, its terrain problems were of less consequence in the cavalry role. Also the H 35 was with 28 km/h somewhat faster than the Renault R35, which attained 20 km/h, although in practice its average speed was lower than that of the R 35 because of its inferior gear box.

Rommel inspects 21 Pz Div in France - 10,5cm leFH18(Sf) auf Geschützwagen 39H(f) - 1944

The Hotchkiss H35 was a small vehicle, 4.22 metres long, 1.95 m wide and 2.15 m tall. It weighed 11,370 kg. The hull consisted of six cast armour sections, bolted together: the engine deck, the fighting compartment, the front of the hull, the back of the hull and two longitudinal sections left and right forming the bottom. The casting allowed for sloped armour avoiding shot traps, to optimise the chance of deflection. Still, the protection level didn't satisfy the Infantry. Maximum armour thickness was not the specified 40 mm but 34 mm. Also there were persistent quality problems, worsened by the fact that many subcontractors had to be used: at first the armour was made much too soft; when hardness was increased it became brittle and full of bubbles and thus of weak spots.

There was a crew of two. The driver sat at the right front, behind a large cast double hatch. Driving the vehicle was very hard work. The Hotchkiss lacked the Cleveland differential of its Renault competitor and it responded unpredictably to direction adjustments. The brakes weren't of much help to correct this: they were too weak, especially when driving down a slope. No less troublesome was the gearbox: it was difficult to engage the highest fifth gear and so the theoretical top speed of 28 km/h was rarely reached. The inevitable rough handling of the tank by the driver resulted in much wear and tear. Mechanical reliability was poor. The suspension consisted of three bogies per side. The first ten production vehicles, that can be considered as forming a separate preseries, had curved bogie sides; in later vehicles these had straight sides. The bogies superficially resembled the R35 type, but used horizontal helical springs instead of rubber cylinders. The tank was powered by a 78 hp six cylinder 3480 cc engine. The range was 129 kilometres, made possible by a fuel tank of 180 litres.

Rommel inspecting a 7,5cm PaK40(Sf) auf Geschützwagen 39H(f) in service with the 21. Panzerdivision in France 1944

The commander manned a standard APX-R turret, armoured with 40 mm cast steel and armed with the short 37 mm SA 18 gun, which had a maximum armour penetration of only 23 mm. The tank carried about 100 rounds for the gun and 2400 rounds for the 7.5 mm Reibel machine gun. There was a hatch in the back of the turret. The commander could sit on it for better observation, but this made him very vulnerable and slow to reach the gun. The alternative was to fight buttoned-up, using the hatchless cupola. The Cavalry liked neither this arrangement nor the weak gun. The latter problem was lessened somewhat by boring out the fire chamber so that special rounds with a larger charge could be used. This increased muzzle velocity to about 600 m/s and maximum penetration to about 30 mm. Only a small part of the tanks with the Cavalry alone were thus changed however, because it strongly increased barrel wear. In the Spring of 1940 the original diascopes of the Chrétien type were gradually replaced with episcopes, offering more protection.

As the Cavalry wanted an even better top speed, it was decided to bring to fruition experiments already conducted from October 1936 to install a stronger engine. A new prototype was made in 1937, with a 120hp instead of a 78 hp engine. The hull was enlarged to accommodate it and the track and the suspension elements were improved, raising the weight to 12.1 tons. This improved type was faster, with a top speed of 36.5 km/h (22.6 mph), but also was much easier to drive. Therefore it was first presented to the Commission d'Expérimentations de l'Infanterie on 31 January 1939 to see whether the original negative decision could be changed. The commission indeed accepted the type, the Char léger modèle 1935 H modifié 39; and it was decided on 18 February to let it succeed the original version from the 401st vehicle onwards, which was just as well as both in 1937 and 1938 an order had been made of 200 vehicles and production had already started, the total orders of the improved type thereafter being expanded to 900. The factory identifier however was Char léger Hotchkiss modèle 38 série D, its predecessor having been the série B. The designation has caused much confusion; this was still officially the same tank as the "H 35", only in a later variant. However even at the time, many began to refer to it as the 38 H or the 39 H.

The new subtype differed from the original one in having a raised and more angular engine deck (in later production vehicles with crosswise instead of longitudinal ventilation slits on the right side); a range decreased to 120 km; closed idler wheels; tracks two centimetres wider at 27 cm; metal instead of rubber wheel treads; a silencer directed to the back and larger, more reliable and effective, ventilators.

Early 1940 a modernisation programme was initiated. This included besides the fitting of episcopes, tails and some radio sets, the gradual introduction of a longer L/35 37 mm SA38 gun with a much improved anti-tank capacity (30 mm penetration at 1000 m); about 350 vehicles were (re)built with the better gun, among them about fifty "H 35"s. The new gun became standard in the production lines in April. Before that change the available new guns had from January 1940 gradually been fitted to the tanks of platoon, company and battalion commanders; about half of the commander vehicles in Hotchkiss units were so modified. It had been intended to fit the longer gun to all vehicles during the second half of 1940. After the war it was for a time erroneously assumed that "H 38" was the official name of the tank with the new engine, but without the new gun and "H 39" the name of the type that had both major improvements. These mistakes are still common in much secondary literature. The "H 38" was in fact identical to the "H 39" and it is only correct to refer to the latter in an informal sense. Parallel to the development of a R 40 it was for a time considered to create a "H 40" by adopting the improved AMX suspension of the other vehicle; in the end this option was rejected though.
Three Hotchkiss tanks of the "H 39" version had been exported to Poland in July of 1939 for testing by the Polish Bureau of Technical Studies of Armoured Weapons (pl. Biuro Bada? Technicznych Broni Pancernych). During the Invasion of Poland in 1939 the Hotchkiss tanks together with three Renault R 35 tanks were incorporated into in an ad hoc "half company" unit of lieutenant J.Jakubowicz formed on 14 September 1939 in Kiwerce, Poland. The unit joined the task force "Dubno" and lost all of its tanks during the marches and fighting with German and Soviet armies and Ukrainian insurgents.

Two vehicles were exported to Turkey in February 1940.

In April 1940 the 342e CACC was sent to Norway after the German invasion of that country, having first been intended to form part of an expeditionary force to assist Finland in the Winter War. This autonomous company, equipped with fifteen "H 39"s, all with short guns, fought at Narvik, after having landed on 7 May. After the temporary liberation of that city, the twelve remaining vehicles were withdrawn to Britain on 8 June, where they exceptionally joined the Free French, forming the 1e Compagnie de Chars de Combat de la France Libre. In 1940 and 1941 this 1e CCC fought against Vichy-troops in Gabon and later in Syria.


When World War II started 640 Hotchkiss tanks had been delivered according to the acceptance lists. The inventories deviate slightly: of the 300 "H 35"s allocated to the Cavalry, 232 were fielded by ten cavalry squadrons, 44 were in depot, eight in factory overhaul and sixteen in North Africa. Of the hundred used by the Infantry, ninety were fielded by the two tank battalions equipped with the type, six were in matériel reserve and two used for driving training. Of the "H 39"s, sixteen were used by the Cavalry in North Africa and six in depot; 180 were fielded by four Infantry tank battalions and fourteen were in the Infantry matériel reserve. It was decided to concentrate most Allied production capacity for light tanks into the manufacture of a single type, and the Hotchkiss tank was chosen as it had the necessary mobility to be of use in the many armoured divisions the Entente planned to raise for the expected decisive summer offensive of 1941. To this end British and Portuguese heavy industry had to assist in producing the cast armour sections. It was hoped to increase production to 300 a month in October 1940, and even 500 a month from March 1941, the sections of 75 of which to be provided by Britain in exchange for a monthly delivery of nine Char B1's. This can be compared to the planned production of the R 40: 120 per month, reflecting the little importance now attached to infantry support.

These plans were disrupted by the Battle of France. In May 1940 the type equipped in the Cavalry units two tank regiments (of 47) in each of the three Mechanised Light Divisions and served as AMR in the 9th and 25th Mechanised Infantry Division (sixteen vehicles for each), 3rd DLM (22 "H35"s and 47 "H 39"s) and in the five Cavalry Light Divisions (sixteen vehicles each). In the Infantry it equipped the two autonomous battalions mentioned above and two battalions of 45 in each of the three Divisions Cuirassées, the latter with the "H 39" variant. Most Hotchkiss tanks were thus concentrated in larger motorised units, in the armoured divisions supplementing the core of heavier tanks, though they were mismatched: the slower "H 35"s fought alongside the swifter SOMUA S35s, whereas the faster "H 39"s joined the slow Char B1s. The vast majority of these vehicles still had the short gun. Several ad hoc and reconstituted units were formed with the type after the invasion. These included 4e DCR (forty vehicles) and 7e DLM (47). Most of these later units were equipped with new vehicles built with the long gun. In May deliveries peaked at 122; a picture of a Hotchkiss tank with series number 41200 shows that in June at least 121 were produced for a total of at least 1200 vehicles, not including prototypes.

About 550 were captured and used by the Germans as Panzerkampfwagen 35H 734(f) or Panzerkampfwagen 38H 735(f); most for occupation duty, but the independent 211e Panzerabteilung was deployed in Finland during Operation Barbarossa. Like the French themselves the Germans made no clear distinction between a "H 38" and a "H 39". The Germans fitted many with a cupola with a hatch. Some vehicles were modified to munition carriers or artillery tractors (Artillerieschlepper 38H(f)) or rocket-launchers (Panzerkampfwagen 35H(f) mit 28/32 cm Wurfrahmen). In 1942 24 were converted into a Marder I Panzerjäger or tank destroyer, the 7,5cm PaK40(Sf) auf Geschützwagen 39H(f) and 48 into mechanised artillery, the 10,5cm leFH18(Sf) auf Geschützwagen 39H(f), all to be used by units in France. A special artillery observation vehicle was created: the Panzerbeobachtungswagen 38H (f) Responsible for these modifications was the commader of 200 sturmgschutz abteilung of 21 panzerdivision major Becker. In June 1943 361 Hotchkiss tanks were still listed in the German Army inventories as 37 mm gun tanks; this number had decreased to sixty in December 1944.

Baukommando Becker.

Alfred Becker was Commanding Officer of the German assault gun battalion Sturmgeschuetz-Abteilung 200, which was part of 21.Panzer Division, when the Allies landed in Normandy 6th June 1944. Prior to that date, Becker had under his command soldiers, engineers and mechanics that came to be known as the Baukcommando Becker (Becker’s Construction Command). The British and French Army tanks and vehicles still left in occupied France were mainly scrap, destroyed, blown apart and gutted.

Becker was sent to France after he gave a presentation to Hitler in September 1942 on how artillery and anti-tank guns could be fitted onto captured French military Lorraine tractor units. His headquarters was in the Maisons-Laffitte, in a former French military camp. It was chosen because of its close proximity to the former Hotchkiss tank factory. Becker’s men collected a variety of vehicles from all over France: from ditches by the side of the road, rivers, hidden warehouses, the beaches near Dunkirk, French army camps and battlefields.
Most of the time, there was nothing left but a bare skeleton chassis. They transported them to different factories and mechanical workshops. There, these vehicles were assessed, sorted and disassembled. One group of Becker’s men cleaned the parts, while others put the vehicles on an assembly line, where they were put back together, modifying them in the process. The completed vehicles looked like they were factory fresh.

German Armored Fighting Vehicles that were captured enemy tanks were known as ‘Beutepanzer’, which, when translated, means ‘trophy tanks’. Captured tank chassis were converted into self-propelled artillery and anti-tank guns. The Baukommando also produced self-propelled Nebelwerfer rocket firing artillery and troop transports from captured enemy vehicles. Initially, the completed vehicles were sent to the Eastern Front or to North Africa. Later, with the threat of an Allied invasion, they were deployed in France.

In 1943 the Germans, against objections, delivered nineteen "H 39"s to Bulgaria for training purposes, when it proved to be impossible to find 25 unmodified Panzerkampfwagen Is, the type the Bulgarians really desired. After the war these vehicles were used by police units. The Germans in 1944 delivered fifteen vehicles to Hungary and a small number to Croatia.

In North Africa 27 vehicles (thirteen H 35 and fourteen "H 39") were officially serving in the 1e Régiment de Chasseurs d'Afrique and were allowed to remain there by the armistice conditions; another five were hidden in Morocco. They fought the Allies during the opening stages of Operation Torch near Casablanca in November 1942, destroying four M3 Stuarts. The regiment then joined the allied cause and was re-equipped with M4 Shermans in the summer of 1943.

After the war some Hotchkiss tanks were used by French security forces in the colonies and occupation forces in Germany. Ten "H 39s" were clandestinely sold to Israel and shipped from Marseilles to Haifa in 1948. At least one remained in service with the IDF until 1952.

Pictures of the Hotchkiss conversions:

Pictures provided by Tankhunter Facebook

Hotchkiss H39 1

French Armor Museum of Saumur: 1940 French Hotchkiss 39 tank
12  War & Conflicts Discussions / Half- & Full-Track / Sd.Kfz 251 on: 10 January 2009, 13:04:02
Sd.Kfz. 251 Mittlerer gepanzerter Schützenpanzerwagen
Developed in 1939 the 251-1/A saw action in the Polish campaign. Few vehicles were made.
In 1940 modifications were made which resulted in the B type. Mods included replacement of the antenna from the steps to the rear of the vehicle, rear vision sights were removed.
In 1941 another modification, the C version. This had a thicker nose plate armor up to 14.5 mm.Modifications were  made to the engine and its muffles were modified and replaced. The front bumperes were removed and replaced by towing hooks.
The last version was the D version build in 1942.
Overall 12000+ vehicles have been manufacturered during the war.
weight, battle ready :    8 Tons
Crew : 2 + 10 (Platoon Cdr, Driver, +10 Panzegrenadiers)
Propulsion : Maybach HL42 6-cyl. 100PS (99hp) P/w ratio 12hp/t
Suspensions : Half Track torsion arms, interleaved wheels
Max speed : 52,5 kp/h (32,5 mph)
Range (max): 300 km (186 miles)
Armament : 2 x MG34 or MG42 Machine guns.
Armour : 6 to 14mm

Close up view

Platoon 251/1

Platoon in action

Sd.Kfz.251/1 Ausf.D + Wurfrahmen 40

13  War & Conflicts Discussions / Panzer V & its variants -Panther- / Panzerkampfwagen V Panther Sd.Kfz 171 Ausf G mit Sperber/FG 1250 on: 6 November 2008, 17:40:46
Panzerkampfwagen V Panther Ausf G mit Sperber/FG 1250

designated "PUMA"

They were intended to act in Kampfgruppen called 'Sperber'.
5 PUMAS would have 1 Sd.Kfz. 251/20 "UHU" with 60 cm-Infrarotscheinwerfer Beob. Ger. 12/51

Panzerkampfwagen V Panther Ausf G mit Sperber/FG 1250

Sperber/FG 1250

Pictures and drawing of the Panther platform.

14  War & Conflicts Discussions / Panzer V & its variants -Panther- / Panzerkampfwagen V 'Panther' Fibel on: 10 November 2008, 11:56:57
Panther Fibel

Restored, fibel can be find in attachement.
15  The Military / J-K-L / L on: 3 November 2008, 23:19:06

: L in NATO alphabet
Leguan : German bridgelaying tank (Leopard 1 chassis)
Leopard 1 : German made main battle tank (MBT) 70's era tank still in use with Greece,Canada and Turkey.
Leopard 2 : German made main battle tank of the third generation, currently the 2A7 is the latest version in use with Saudi-Arabia.
LKW : lastkraftwagen or truck
lehrgange : Germa for training course
Luftwaffe : German airforce ww2
LCC: Amphibious Command Ship
LCI: Landing Craft Infantry
LCI(L): Landing Craft Infantry (large)
LCS(L):  Landing Craft, Support (large)
LHA: Amphibious Assault Ship
LHD: Amphibious Assault Ship  [I don't know why there are two]
LKA: Amphibious Cargo Ship
LPA: Amphibious Transport Ship
LPD: Amphibious Transport Dock
LPH: Amphibious Assault Ship (Helicopter)
LPR: Amphibious Transport (Small)
LPSS: Amphibious Transport Submarine
LSD: Dock Landing Ship
LSM: Medium Landing Ship
LSM(R): Medium Landing Ship, Rocket
LST: Tank Landing Ship
LSV: Vehicle Landing Ship
16  War & Conflicts Discussions / World War II pictures/postcards/maps / German Maschinengewehr on: 18 November 2008, 21:44:33
List of German ww2 MG's

MG 08, dated from world war 1 fired 7.92 x 57 mm round.
MG 15, installed for self defence in aircraft like Stuka and HE 11.
MG 30, refused by the army
MG 30(t), chzeck machinegun built by the Germans, mainly used by the SS.
MG 34, see link.
MG 42 see link.
MG 45, crisis gun, cheap last effort. copied from MG42.
MG 81, Gun used by aircraft.

17  War & Conflicts Discussions / StuG - StuH - StiG / Sturminfanteriegeschutz 33 Ausf F/8 - 150mm sIG33 L/11 on: 23 March 2009, 22:49:56
Need new pictures of this vehicle, if anyone has them please post!

Built on the chassis of the Sturmgeschütz III Ausf. B, C, D and E

source: Deutsche Panzer - Action publications - 1917-1945 by Uwe Feist - published by Aero Publishers, Inc
18  War & Conflicts Discussions / World War II pictures/postcards/maps / Floringzelle (France) - 62179 Audinghen on: 25 January 2011, 22:06:18
Nord-pas-de-Calais tour of September 2010

Using the advantages of our camper we started from the Batterie Todt musuem http://web.ukonline.co.uk/gaz/bt.html we drove through some fields and came across this farm, the farm is overwhelmed with bunkers!
In and around the farm there are some 10 bunkers, it's a MEGAlocation and the view is superb on the beaches.

19  War & Conflicts Discussions / Vietnam War / Navy Cross presented to Vietnam-era Marine Lance Cpl. Ned Seath on: 13 February 2011, 13:00:16
Navy Cross presented to Vietnam-era Marine

Lance Cpl. Ned Seath was recognized for valor 45 years after saving his comrades from oncoming North Vietnamese soldiers; he also received a Bronze Star with ‘V’ device for previous actions

TRIANGLE, Va. — On the night of July 16, 1966, Lance Cpl. Ned Seath saved Kilo Company, 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines. He had been painfully wounded by mortar fire in the leg and hand but frantically worked to assemble an M60 machine gun from the fragments of two badly damaged weapons.

Hundreds of North Vietnamese Army soldiers bore down on his unit’s position, but he was unshakable. With only the occasional flicker of illumination rounds to light his work, he got the weapon up in the nick of time and forced the enemy’s retreat.

Nearly 45 years later, Seath received a Navy Cross at the age of 67 in recognition of his heroism. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus presented Seath with the service’s second-highest valor award during a ceremony Friday at the National Museum of the Marine Corps.

The men Seath saved had children and grandchildren, Mabus said, and “there is no greater legacy than that.”

Seath, who would later join the Reserve and serve as a corporal until 1982, said the ceremony was a welcome reminder of the men he served with and the lives he saved.

Most of the enemy targets Seath faced that night were inside 20 meters. He eventually stood to fire because fallen enemy troops began to obstruct his field of fire.

“When I got that gun up, I shot them up and piled them up,” Seath said.

The ceremony was the culmination of a seven-year effort by Seath’s fellow Marines to secure him recognition for his valor.

“Had it not been for Ned Seath getting that machine gun started, there is no doubt in my mind we would have been overrun,” said Bill Hutton, who fought in a foxhole next to Seath during the attacks. “By the time he had it assembled, they were on top of our fighting holes. ... His heroism saved our company from being annihilated.”

That’s why Hutton, who is now the senior vice commander of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, was appalled to learn during a 2003 Kilo Company reunion that Seath received only a Purple Heart for his actions. Several officers in their unit, which served as a blocking force to prevent enemy troops from escaping during Operation Hastings, had received decorations, including the Medal of Honor and Silver Star.

Hutton approached retired Maj. Gen. David Richwine, who at the time of the fight was their company commander, and collaborated with him to compile and submit a Navy Cross recommendation. Hutton spent years tracking down former 3/4 Marines and gathering supporting information for the recommendation package. Then, in 2008, Richwine signed off on the package and submitted it to the Marine Corps for consideration.

During Operation Hastings, he said, every day was a fight and commanders were busy accounting for casualties and conducting operations.

Seath also was presented the Bronze Star with “V” device, a medal for which he was approved in the 1960s but was never presented, at Friday’s ceremony. Seath earned the medal for actions a day earlier when an enemy sniper killed a Marine and wounded another. Despite being told the Marine could not be recovered, Seath crawled into the sniper’s line of fire and pulled the Marine back to safety, before killing the sniper with machine-gun fire.

Hutton said if anyone deserved recognition, it was Seath.

“Had it not been for Ned Seath, I would have been interred at Arlington with the inscription, ‘William R Hutton, born 4 July 1947, KIA Vietnam, 16 July 1966,’ ” Hutton said.


source: NavyTimes
20  Military Hardware, Gear and Equipment / Other Equipment / Dogs of War on: 12 May 2011, 17:58:12

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