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Author Topic: Unternehmen Wacht am Rhein  (Read 33851 times)
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« Reply #20 on: 4 February 2009, 11:55:59 »

Peipers kampfgruppe was surrounded, attempts by 6th armee to relieve him failed.
5th armees 116th division could not cross the bridge at Hotton, therefor they have to move to Laroche on the western bank of the Ourthe.
Together with 2nd division they had to advance tp the northwest.
47th korps 2nd division attacks Marche but they met stiff US resistance, the division resumes its advance towards Hargimont.

December 22 was a relative easy day.

26VGD recon batallion led by oberst Kunkel does regular probing attacks, their startingpoint is allways the forest at Villeroux.
A small German unit blocks the road southeast of Mande St Etienne at a neighboring village , Flamisoul.
The Germans sent an officer to Bastogne demanding the surrender of the US forces.
leading to the famous , Nuts reply from Mc Auliffe.
The German command did nothing untill 1500 hours.
First tank attack by the Germans beaten off relatively easy by the defenders, team Brown.
Brown had a mixed tank/infantry unit supported by 420 artillerybatallion.
A radiomessage from US VIIIth corps confrimed that US 4th division is on its way to relieve Bastogne.
Situation end of the day:
At night the Luftwaffe carried out the first bombing raid on the city.
The Germans only carried out small probing attacks, which were easily defeated.
However the defenders use large amounts of ammunition and they needed to be supplied again.
Bad weather failed the airforce from dropping these much needed supplies.
At 7th armee the situation was dangerous.
5th fusilier division managed to cut of the road Arlon-Bastogne but 352nd VGD was attacked in the flank by the US 80th division( infantry with tank support from 10th tankdivision)
352nd had to retreat to Ettebruck,.
This meant a danger to 5th armees flank, so 87th VGD was ordered to fill the gap on that eastern flank.


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« Reply #21 on: 4 February 2009, 17:47:38 »

A change of the weather!
The sun was shining, the clouds were gone.
It was the first time since the German offensive that the Allied airforce could show its strength and full power.
Above the front and in the rear area of Heeresgruppe B 3170 planes showed up.

There were no changes in 6th armee situation, Peiper was ordered to break out to the east.
5th armee had more succes that day.
47th corps is now only 9km away from Dinant and the river Meusse.

Dawnbreak sun shines, all Us forces are looking at the sky, waiting for the airforce.
All available planes in the air were directed to critical points to support the defenders.( these were fronts were the US troops ran out of ammo for the artillery)
AT first German AAA did not join the fight, afraid to give away their positions.
But losses were very heavy and the guns had to support their tanks.
Often the pilots could see were tanks went to by following the track of a tank.
The first wave of 17 Dakota planes show up with supplies.
12 panthers and infantry from the 26th VGD came out of the forest south of St Hubert.
The tanks stopped at Cochelonval and shoot at Us positions.
Counterartillery fire drove them back.
240 planes dropped 1446 planeloads of supplies(1446 tons) in an area about 1,5 km width.
Most of it is artillery ammo, ready for use.
However there still is a shortage of ammo.
At Marvie the men of 2nd batallion 327th gliderregiment take heavy German artilleryfire.
The Germans attacked, out of the forest many tanks and supporting infantry emerged.
From the west 115th panzergrenadierregiment attacks, they were lead by colonel Maucke an experienced/battleproved officer.
At the start of the evening the Germans destroyed the roadblock at Flamierge.
In Marvie the fighting raged on, at hill 500 the US defenderes were surrounded.They had to give up soon.
Team Harper has no more reserves left to mount a counterattack to retake the hill.
From this hill the Germans aquired a perfect spot to breach the US line and to move to bastogne.
However the Germans hesitated too much and before they could advance the US troops managed to close the gap.
General Kokett was informed that 5th paradivison had to fall back under pressure of attacks by the US 4th tankdivision.
He sent 5 MK VI tanks to support them.
Now the weather favors the Americans, the allied airforce showed up.
The luftwaffe was ( as so many times before) not able to support/defend the ground units.


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« Reply #22 on: 9 February 2009, 17:39:27 »

6th armees divisions are now stretched along the line Monschau-Elsenborn-Stavelot and Grandmeni.
The armies advance came to a stnadstill.
Peiper managed to breakout the encirclement but he lost all his vehicles.

5th panzerarmee is now 5km away from the river Meuse, forward elemnets of 47th corps are now in the Conneux-Celles area.
2nd divisions reconbatallion is now the most forward unit of the German army, but due to the lack of fuel they have to continue their advance on foot.
During the night Bastogne is bombed heavy, US 20th mech infantryregiments aid post was hit hard.

Marvie is being shelled with mortars by the Germans, the Germans used captured US mortars.
Champs is under attack by the 77th infantryregiment, they defenders managed to drive them back causing terrible losses.
Hill 500 is still occupied by the Germans, Harpers men hold on tight in Marvie.
The allied airforce dropped over a 100 tons of vital supplies, heavy German AAA fire knocks out a significant number of the US planes.
The Germans around Marvie are attacked from the air by P47's.
To shorten the frontline the Germans gave up Flamierge, Mande , St Etienne en Senonchamps.
2 bombing runs by the luftwaffe destroyed the hospital and Team Cherrys command post at Bastogne.
German units from 15th panzergrenadierdivision reached Champs and Hemroulle.
This were 2 tank, 2 infantry and 2 artillerybatallions reinforced with an engineercompany.( 30 tanks and tankhunters)
Von Manteuffel decides to attack bastogne from the northwest with this divisions support.

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« Reply #23 on: 9 February 2009, 17:54:23 »

The German advance is brought to a standstill everywhere, 6th and 5th armee cant get forward anymore, its 116th and  9th panzerdivisions are down to only 30 tanks.
7th armee 5th para division suffered under heavy pressure from the Americans.
General Kokett ordered his units to attack Bastogne at night at 03.00 to avoid losses by the allied airforce.
The city should be under German control by 08.00.
The co from 26th VGD ordered an encirclement from Champs and Hemroulle.
The Germans again attacked on the unit border of 502 pararegiment andd the 327th gliderregiment.
03.00 The German attack starts.
05.00 German tanks now also approched from Mande St Etienne followed by numbers of panzergrenadiers.
US 705th TD regiment attacks the German armor frontally, they took heavy losses but managed to destroy all German tanks except 1.
GE 115th regiment lost 18 tanks and about 2 batallions worth of infantry.
A convoy of US vehicles approached Bastogne, however these were Germans in US vehicles, the UAF quickley destroyed them.
Slowly the US troops drove the Germans back with help of the artillery.
The Germans waisted the third and last attempt to capture Bastogne.
Von Manteuffel now knows he can never fullfill his task to reach the Meuse.
Bastogne has became the primary objctive for 5th armee.
From its assemble area the CC-R from  4th US tankdivision reached Remoiville after heavy fightings(north of bastogne)

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« Reply #24 on: 9 February 2009, 18:10:09 »

6th armee is under heavy attack from US units.
2nd divisions reconnaisance batallion is destroyed.
2nd panzerdivisions mainforce  went to the area of Rochefort.
Kokett launched another attack, this time with Hetzers from Pzjaegerabteilung 33 from Senonchamps directed at Hemroulle.
US artillery destroyed all vehicles and the attack was aborted.
Around 12 in the morning the commander of the 39th GE infantryregiment, Kaufmann reported to general Kokott that US tanks broke through his line and reached Assenois, his regimental CP was soon after this destroyed.
The entire day  allied airpower and artillery pounded the positions held by 5th fallschirmjaeger.
The German artillery ran out of ammo and could not return the fire.
US 4th divisions CC-R reached Clochimont.
Its orders are to attack Sibret.
A small taskforce was made lead by a captain Dwight (1 tank and 1 infantrycompany) to break through to Bastogne.
Assenois is back in US hands, the US units took 428 prisoners but their losses were high.
About 1000 men KIA/WIA.
This meant the end of the German offensive, from now on the Germans were forced onto the defensive again.
Lt Hodges was the first to reach the men of 101st airborne that day.
A scenario named breakthrough to Bastogne, based on this action(made by me) can be found at the depot.


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« Reply #25 on: 18 February 2009, 15:55:08 »

Overall situation.

The German armies advance came to a standstill, almost everywhere on the front, units have no fuel or great lack of fuel.
And at many places US counterattacks forced the Germans into the defense losing the initiative.
Between midnight and dawn the luftwaffe bombed Bastogne again, causing even more heavy damage to the city.

First US reinforcements reached Bastogne.
The 64th medical unit has transported over 600 wounded men to safety in a short time.
700 German prisoners were send bak along the same Assenois corridor back to the US rear to prisonercamps.
General Taylor arrived at bastogne, in a short meeting McAuliffe explained the situation and gave back command of 101st division to taylor.
Befor the evening falls the Germans attacked two more times.
Both attacking divisions suffered heavy losses in men and vehicles.
80 tanks, 1000 men and 674 vehicles lost.

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« Reply #26 on: 18 February 2009, 16:01:33 »

The last 3 days of 1944 saw increasing allied airattacks on German forces.
The Germans desperately tried to take Bastogne but failed with each attempt.

Forward units of US 4rd division reach Bastognes outposts.
from the raod to Neufchateau CC-A from US 9th tankdivision reached Bastogne.
A surprise attack by German troops near Lutremange was discovered on time and the attackers were driven back.
A US supply convoy reached the city.
The night was perfectly clear, US planes circled above the US positions, this time the luftwaffe did not attack Bastogne.

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« Reply #27 on: 18 February 2009, 16:04:58 »

The weather above the battlefield is clear, the sun shines, a perfect day for the weary US soldiers.
US probing patrols were sent out to recon the German positions.
meanwhile convoy after convoy brought supplies to Bastogne.
This time the US artillery received the new fuzes, which explode above the ground befor impact.


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« Reply #28 on: 18 February 2009, 16:11:05 »


A heavy artillery barrage hit Bastogne.
2 US divisions are attacking the Germans towards Noville.
However the Germans (26 VGD and panzerlehr) cought the flanks of the US troops and caused heavy losses among the US units.
The Germans immediately reacted and mounted a new attack on Bastogne with units of 5 divisions.
But again this attempt failed too.

400 men  arrived at 307th US regiment, the unit displaced its commandpost to Hemroulle
Heavy german attacks at bastogne , constantly failed against stiff US resistance.
OKW began to realise the offensive to reach Antwerp became a faillure, and most elite units were taken back and send back to the eastern front.
26th VGD now has roughly 2000 men left.

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« Reply #29 on: 18 February 2009, 16:17:14 »

The weather turned favourable for the Germans again, it snowed the entire night.

The remaning units of 26th VGD attacked Bastogne again, backed up by artillery.
At the same time hill 490( west of Champs) is under attack to.
Again the attacks failed.
Another german attempt to attack Bastogne and again the US defenders hold the line.
Bastogne received new reinforcements with the arrival of the 6th and 11th US tankdivisions.
Both units were immediately used to counteraatck the Germans,mainly the 11th division suffered heavy losses.
The next day both sides had a calm day, accept for some skirmishes between recon patrols.

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« Reply #30 on: 18 February 2009, 16:26:06 »


Team Cherry  attacks  Senonchamps, with little resistance from the Germans.
At 08.45 the town is back in US hands.

Another US unit from Salle attacked towards the small village Bois de Jacques( between Foy and Michamps)

OKW is still convinced it can capture Bastogne.
Model made a new plan whereby 9th and 12th SS divisions would attack from northeast and the Fuhrerbeglietbrigad from the east.
7th armee advance has now stopped and the armee is back in the defense again.

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« Reply #31 on: 18 February 2009, 16:39:32 »

This time the US launched a big counteroffensive.
The weather was bad and this offensive would be the most difficult one  ever made by the western allies in Europe.
1st US army and 30th UK corps aatcked from the north.
3rd US army attacked from the south.
Main target: Houffalize.

2nd and 3rd batallion of 501st para regiment entered the forest at Boid- St Jaques with orders to clear the forest and secure the road Foy-Michamps, this in order to ensure succes for the attack on Noville.
A thick fog hangs over the area and sometimes it snow, but allthough the US troops meet heavy resistance they continued advancing.
All objectives are taken and both US batallions dug in at the railroad crossing near Bastogne-Bourcy.
At that time the attack of both SS divisions commenced as well, targets: Champs,Longchamps and Monaville.
Heavy fog also decrease LOS.
The 26th panzergrenadier regiment and the 12th division attacked through a gap in the US line along the railroad Bastogne-Bourcy.
After heavy fighting the SS men deployed in the open field near Michamps, the US troops reacted with artilleryfire, causing the Germans to retreat.
Several SS units succeeded to near the US troops in the rear, however their move is quickley spotted and this attack was beaten off.
US reinforcements reached Champs, stabilizing the front.
Both sides suffered heavy losses.
At night US forces filled the gap andrestored their defensive line again.

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« Reply #32 on: 18 February 2009, 16:46:02 »

A barrage by US artillery surprised a German assembly area north of Longchamps, a unit ready to attack was cut into pieces and suffered heavy casualties.
German attack north of Champs.
Champs occupied by the Germans after heavy streetfighting, 15 tanks broke through and attacked Longchamps.
US artillery fire drove them back, both sides suffered heavy losses.
For the first time the Germans attacked towards Bastogne from several directions, several days earlier that might have brought succes but now its too late.
The battle for Bastogne is reaching the end, and every where the US troops went into the offensive.
OKW finally officially canceled all offensive operations including the order to take Bastogne and gave permission to retreat.
It proved to be the end of the German operation.

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